We are a community of women, trans, and gender non-conforming people who are dedicated to advocating for plant-based lifestyles and food justice within marginalized communities.

Upcoming Events

Stay up to date with local and online events by following us on Eventbrite.

Purchase Our Children's Book: A Journey of Discovery

“What do you need? / ¿Qué Necesitas?” takes readers on a heartwarming journey with Lorena as she explores the enchanting Abrazos Community Garden. Throughout her adventure, she discovers the profound impact of community, the joy of sharing, and the beauty of embracing diversity.

Featured Articles

Community care is an act of resistance

At the heart of our collective is a belief in the incredible strength of community. We're passionate about creating welcoming spaces, with a special focus on supporting BIPOC communities. These spaces are more than just places; they're where real connections happen, learning is shared, and everyone can contribute to a greener future. This collective spirit is what drives change, empowering us all and guiding our mission to bring people together and nurture our home with care and respect. Join us in making a meaningful impact, one step at a time.

Support from initiatives like The People’s Fund by Mercy for Animals enables us to bring our community together in spaces dedicated for advocacy.

Andrea and Madelline, co-organizers of our LA Chapter.

Support us.

Financial Support for Veggie Mijas helps our collective curate experiences and provide resources that uplift our communities front and center. Advocating for food, environmental and social justice.